Road Bridges


Client | Ministry of Housing and Construction

We have provided geotechnical consulting for several bridges in Beit Shemesh, a rapidly growing city which is located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

The subsurface at the sites was composed mainly of overlying layers of clay, above marl and chalk. Ground water was present at most of the sites.

In situ testing including Standard Penetration Tests and pressuremeters.

The foundation systems consisted of drilled piles of varying depths up to about 25 meters.  Two additional bridges are in the design stage.

At some of the sites load tests were performed on test piles. The results and analysis of the tests were presented at two engineering conferences in Israel by Mike Doktofsky.

  • Bridge foundations
  • Piles in soft rock
  • Marl
  • Load tests on drilled piles.
Road Bridges